All Saints Catholic Church Lanchester Durham  
Gift Aid Scheme
Gift Aid Scheme
One of the few straightforward and easy to understand things that Gordon Brown has done was to change the Old Covenant Scheme to Gift Aid on 6th April 2000. Under the old Covenant Scheme a donor had to commit themselves to a regular offering ( weekly, monthly or annualy ) for a period of four years. This meant that the agreement had to be renewed every four years - obviously this involved the Parish Organiser and the donors in a considerable amount of time consuming activity. The benefit of the Gift Aid Scheme is that once entered into it is a permanent agreement until cancelled by either party. Additionally the agreement is not limited to set amounts - provided the donor is a tax payer at the basic rate or higher the parish can reclaim the tax paid ( on the amount donated ) at no extra cost to the parishioner / donor. At the moment this means that for every £1 donated under the Gift Aid Scheme the parish can reclaim 25p from the Inland Revenue.

This means that :-


If you give each week This amounts to each year Tax reclaimed Real Amount of
your Donation
£1.00 £52.00 £13.00 £65.00
£5.00 £260.00 £65.00 £325.00
£10.00 £520.00 £130.00 £650.00

The Gift Aid Scheme is the only way that I know whereby the simple process
of joining the Scheme means that the beneficiary ( the parish ) receives extra
money at no cost to the donor ( parishioner ) . It is easy, confidential, flexible
and it is difficult to understand why more parishioners do not join the Scheme.
