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All Saints and St Terera's Catholic Churches Lanchester and Annfield Plain
Notice Board  

"God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for Scars"

Notice Board:


17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

28 July 2024


Fr Cornelius O'Connor

RIP July 10 2024

Fr Cornelius' body will be received into St Charles Church, Gosforth

on Wednesday 31 July with Mass at 6.30pm.

As Bishop Stephen will be away the Diocesn Pilgrimage in Lourdes,

Bishop Seamus will celebrate the Requiem Mass at 12 noon on

Thursday 1 August at St Charles this will be followed by burial

at Hollywood Ave Cemetery, Gosforth.

Please pray for the repose of his soul.

May he rest in peace.










The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment with Fr. Charles



St. Teresa's: Annfield Plain:



Alpha course at St. Teresa's

On Monday evenings at 7.00pm. Alpha is a series of sessions

exploring the Christian faith in a relaxed & friendly setting.

Alpha is open to anyone no matter their background or Faith.

There is no charge & no demands- just come along & bring a friend.



Transfiure Prayer Group

Next meeting on Tuesday 9 July at 7.00pm.

Everyone is welcome to come along for an hour of

adoration, quiet prayer, music & scripture reflection.

Followed by refreshments.



Wednesday 31 July at 6.00pm.

All are welcome.


Coffee Morning!

Will take place after each Wednesday Morning Mass at St. Teresa's.

All are welcome & it's a great way to catch up & make new friends.



Car Parking!

It is unfortunate that there is insufficient space in St. Teresa's car park for all the members of the

congregation to park their cars. If you are unable to access the car park we ask you to bear in

mind the needs of those living nearby.




SV.P. Summer Raffle:

Tickets on sale :

1st Prize £5,000. 2nd Prize £1,000 +

15 x £100, £1.00 per ticket, £5 a book.



Durham University Hospial Chapain Fr. Paul Tully has a new phone no: 01388818544


Unable to get to church to light a candle?

Light one at the Grotto in Lourdes:


The Lourdes Sanctuary offers you the possibility by internet of leaving and lighting a candle

at the Lourdes Grotto. In return for your offering, the Sanctuary will place and light your candle

at the Grotto, in a candle stand set aside for this purpose. The Sanctuary commits itself to

honour your request within 24 hours. You can link it with a prayer intenion.

light a candle



Prayer Request Our Lady of Walsingham


War Memorial All Saints Catholic Church: A Grade 11 Listed Building:


For more info click here & to read Michael Quigley's Leaflet

War Memorial Catholic Church of All Saints.


Say a Pray for a lost Soul in Purgatory: ( and get amazing results )

"De Profundis"

Out of the depths I have cried to thee O' Lord, Lord hear my voice

Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication

If thou O' Lord were to mark my iniquities, Lord who shall endure it

For with Thee there is mercy and by reason of Thy Law I have waited on Thee, O' Lord

My soul hath relied on His word, my soul hath hoped in the Lord

From the morning watch even until night , my soul hath hoped in the Lord

Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him

plentiful Redemption and He will redeem Israel from all her iniquities

Eternal rest give unto them, O' Lord and let perpetual light shine upon

them may they rest in peace.



Northern Cross now on line ( see our links page)


See Diocsan web link on front page to read the Nov eNewsletter.



Fr. Bob's Home Page



Our Lord awaits us in the Eucharist.

Let our praise and glory to the Blessed Sacrament never cease.

Pope John Paul II

Benediciton Tantum Ergo : click


Credo in Latin
with English


Heaven's Radio FM: Live Masses in Ireland & England.


Catholic Radio Station


Juan Pablo II


What makes a Pope shake with Laughter ?


Click Here: Rev.Andrew O'Connor's Pencil

Click Here: Youth Village












The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding

Guidance & Catholic Safeguarding Statards Agency ( CSSA )

and Diocese's policies & procedures at all times.

Our Parish Safeguarding Representative Karen McKenna (All Saints)

and Mary Pitt ( St. Teresa's ) alternatively

the Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on

0191 2433305 or safeguarding@dioceshn.org.uk

Website: diocesehn.org.uk ( link on front page )







Ushaw Link





Pax Christi




World Gifts






Inside All Saints Catholic Church Lanchester




Inside St Teresa's Church Annfield Plain


All Saints Lanchester Parish Church







Lanchester Methodist Church

